

ABS Addresses Yachts NOx Tier III Compliance

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The ABS Regulatory Debrief for Yachts NOx Tier III Compliance provides yacht owners with a brief summary of the IMO and US NOx Tier III requirements.

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Driving Safety and Innovation

ABS has a long history in yacht classification providing worldwide services to owners, designers and major builders. Through extensive experience and close collaboration with designers, builders and regulators in this specialized industry, ABS is able to provide services to commercial and private yacht owners that advance safety, reliability, structural and mechanical integrity.

Today, ABS is one of the leading class organizations for the global yacht fleet. The ABS classed yacht fleet consists of more than 500 which represent all types of sailing and motor yachts from historical replicas to some of the fastest and most advanced super yachts in the world.

ABS is positioned globally, with engineering and survey staff available to help you during all phases of the lifecycle. Our team can support yacht designers and yards from the earliest point of project development by helping prove the feasibility of a new technology or concept through its technology qualification process.  Additionally, ABS can carry out plan reviews, surveys during and after construction, statutory certifications, training and performance and compliance services.

As a recognized Organization for more than 120 flag States, ABS is authorized by the leading flag Administrations involved in the registration of yachts. ABS has received delegated authority for the application of the respective codes: Large Yacht Code, Luxembourg Code, Madeira and many others which form the basis of yacht registration.

In addition to its specialized Rules and Guides for yachts, ABS is advancing the latest in sustainable technologies and addressing the industry’s most pressing environmental challenges. Whether you are looking at hybrid propulsion or more onboard automation, ABS has the solution that is right for you.

ABS Yacht Structural Assessment Software


The ABS Yacht Structure Assessment software is geared toward simplifying and streamlining the yacht design and plan approval processes, providing a fast and efficient check of structures and material.

The software provides a straightforward platform to identify acceptable structural and material strength. Combining the ABS Guidance Notes on Yacht Design with the Yacht Structure Assessment software allows designers to quickly develop and assess new designs.