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Ergonomics is defined as “the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.”
The focus of ergonomics is the design of the human-system interface. This includes interfaces between personnel and the hardware, software and physical environments associated with systems. It also involves the interfaces between personnel, individual tasks and the overall work system (e.g., its structure, management, policies and procedures). Based largely on findings stemming from analyses of the MPS database, the ABS Guide for Ergonomic Notations has been created to offer ergonomic (ERGO) notations for selected working areas on vessels and offshore structures, including topsides design, enclosed space design (e.g., on or below the main deck on the interior of the vessel), design for operability and maintainability and design for valve access and operability. A comprehensive review was performed to examine injury and close call records for ergonomic improvement opportunities related to vessel operations, maintenance and repair activities using the MPS system. Some of the questions that were addressed are below.
A large body of guidance has been developed by ABS dealing with the ergonomics in design and construction of ships and offshore structures.
Guide for Ergonomic Notations
Guidance Notes on the Application of Ergonomics to Marine Systems
Guide for Means of Access to Tanks & Holds for Inspection
Guidance Note on Ergonomic Design of Navigation Bridges
Guidance Notes on Vibration & Noise Control
Guidance Notes on the Implementation of Human Factors Engineering into the Design of Offshore Installations
Designing Means of Access & Related Access Aids Discussion Paper
Ergonomics for the Marine Industry – Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders Discussion Paper
Manual Materials Handling & Safe Lifting Discussion Paper
Guide for Ergonomic Notations Presentation
Human Element Notations (HAB & ERGO) Presentation
MLC-ACCOM Notation Presentation
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