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(Houston) Common Structural Rules Software LLC, a joint venture company formed by ABS and Lloyds Register (LR), has released new software tools for meeting the requirements of the IACS Common Structural Rules (CSR), which entered into force on 1 July 2015.
Developed from the technical strengths of ABS and LR, version 2.5 of the CSR Prescriptive Analysis and the new CSR Finite Element (FE) Analysis software allow assessment of whole vessel structures, including new bulk carrier and oil tanker designs. Both class societies will use these new tools to evaluate new designs to the CSR.
“This software constitutes a new industry standard,” says ABS Chairman, President and CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki. “In our collaboration as two of the world’s leading class societies, we continue to achieve our primary objective to enable the advancement of the maritime industry through reliable and dependable software applications.”
The CSR Prescriptive Analysis software requires only that the user input the appropriate data. All of the outputs are clear, straightforward and easy to read. A summary report provides required and offered scantlings with graphic representation of any deficiencies. An intermediate report summarizes dominate criteria for each structure, and a detailed report provides data for every parameter value. In conjunction with CSR Finite Element (FE) Analysis, this complete tool makes verifying compliance with CSR possible with minimal effort.
The software has quickly become popular with users. Nearly 500 licenses were issued prior to the production release.
“I am pleased that the strategy laid out more than a decade ago is achieving our objectives,” says LR Marine Director Tom Boardley. “Following the development of the CSR in 2005, LR and ABS quickly realized that only common software would support the industry desire for common scantlings, and our CSR Software tools had become widely used. With the introduction of the new Common Structural Rules, we have developed a completely new generation of CSR software that will enable shipbuilders and shipowners to easily and consistently address the requirements of the new IACS Rules.”
This release will be followed with regular updates for additional structural coverage and functionality and to address ongoing CSR changes.
Detailed information on structural areas and functionality covered by this release can be found in the Release Notes and User Guide bundled with the software installation. The software can be downloaded at www.csrules.com.
About ABS
Founded in 1862, ABS is a leading international classification organization devoted to promoting the security of life and property and preserving the natural environment through the development and verification of standards for the design, construction and operational maintenance of marine and offshore assets.
About Lloyd’s Register
Lloyd’s Register (LR) is a global engineering, technical and business services organization wholly owned by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a UK charity dedicated to research and education in science and engineering. Founded in 1760 as a marine classification society, LR now operates across many industry sectors, with over 9,000 employees in 78 countries.
LR has a long-standing reputation for integrity, impartiality and technical excellence. Our compliance, risk and technical consultancy services give clients confidence that their assets and businesses are safe, sustainable and dependable. Through our global technology centres and research network, LR is at the forefront of understanding the application of new science and technology to future-proof our clients’ businesses.
Common Structural Rules Software LLC (CSRS)
Common Structural Rules Software LLC (CSRS), a joint venture company established in 2011 by ABS and LR, provides industry with a validated and verified suite of software tools for CSR that meets industry concerns regarding the possibility of different interpretations of the CSR requirements.
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